Empowerment Evaluation Resources


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Stanford Social Innovations Review

Brief article about empowerment evaluation book: 

Fetterman, D.M. (2103). Empowerment Evaluation in the Digital Villages:  Hewlett-Packard's $15 Million Race Toward Social Justice. Stanford:  Stanford University Press.

Empowerment Evaluation Blog 



Ignite Lecture (20 slides in 5 minutes).  Brief presentation about empowerment evaluation.

NSF-funded computer science education evaluation empowerment evaluation exercise.


Fetterman, D.M. (2017). Transformative Empowerment Evaluation and Freireian Pedagogy:  Alignment with an Emancipatory Tradition. In Patton, M.Q. (ed.) Pedagogy of Evaluation:  The Contributions of Paulo Freire to Global Evaluation Thinking and Practice.  New Directions for Evaluation. No. 155.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass.

Fetterman, D.M. (2011).  Empowerment Evaluation and Accreditation Case Examples:  California Institute of Integral Studies and Stanford University.  In Secolsky, C. and Denison, D.B. (eds.)  Handbook on Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation in Higher Education.  New York:  Routledge.


Fetterman, David M. PhD; Deitz, Jennifer MA; Gesundheit, Neil MD, MPH (2010). Empowerment Evaluation: A Collaborative Approach to Evaluating and Transforming a Medical School Curriculum.   Academic Medicine: 85(5): 813-820. (The use of empowerment evaluation to help Stanford University’s School of Medicine prepare for and pass an accreditation review.)

Fetterman, D.M. (2009). Empowerment evaluation at the Stanford University School of Medicine: Using a Critical Friend to Improve the Clerkship Experience. Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação. Rio je Janeiro, 17(63):197-204.

Fetterman, D. and Wandersman, A. (2007).  Empowerment Evaluation: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.  American Journal of Evaluation, 28(2):179-198.

 Journal:  Special Topic Edition

Empowerment Evaluation's 21st Anniversary:  A Celebration, Comment & Critique 

[This is a special topic edition of Evaluation and Program Planning.  It includes prominent critical friends' comments about the 21st anniversary of the empowerment evaluation.

A few highlights of the special topic edition are presented below:


David Fetterman introduced empowerment evaluation to the field of evaluation during his presidential address 21 years ago. Since that time it has been used in over 16 countries, ranging from corporate offices of Google and Hewlett-Packard to squatter settlements and townships in South Africa. Empowerment evaluation has been used by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US. Department of Education, Stanford University School of Medicine, and Native American tribes in reservations stretching from Michigan to San Diego.

David Fetterman, Shakeh Kaftarian, Abraham Wandersman, and many other empowerment evaluators, have published 5 books on empowerment evaluation. The 21st anniversary of this approach was celebrated with a panel of luminaries who have helped shape empowerment evaluation with their critiques, concerns, and congratulations. They included Drs. Steward Donaldson, Michael Scriven, Michael Patton, and Marvin Alkin. Their comments are illuminating, engaging, and presented in this special topic edition of E&PP.

Titles of Articles in Special Topic Edition:

David Fetterman: Celebrating the 21st anniversary of empowerment evaluation with our critical friends 

Stewart Donaldson:  Empowerment evaluation: An approach that has literally altered the landscape of evaluation

Michael Patton:  Empowerment evaluation: Exemplary is its openness to dialogue, reflective practice, and process use

Michael Scriven:  Empowerment evaluation 21 years later: There is much to admire about empowerment evaluation

Marvin Alkin:  When is a theory a theory? A case example

David Fetterman & Abraham Wandersman:  Celebratory reflections, appreciations, clarifications, and comments


Fetterman, D.M., and Ravitz, J. (2018).  A Google Enhanced Empowerment Evaluation Approach in a Graduate School Program.  In Fetterman, D.M., Rodriguez-Campos, L., and Zukoski, A. (eds.) Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment Evaluation: Stakeholder Involvement Approaches.  New York: Guilford Press.

Fetterman, D.M. (2015).  Empowerment Evaluation and Action Research:  A Convergence of Values, Principles, and Purpose.  In Bradbury, H. (ed.) The Handbook of Action Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Fetterman, D.M. (2013). Empowerment Evaluation: Learning to Think Like an Evaluator. In Alkin, M.C. (ed.) Evaluation Roots: a wider perspective of theorists’ views and influences  (second edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Fetterman, D.M., Kaftarian, S., and Wandersman, A. (2015).  Empowerment Evaluation:  Knowledge and Tools for Self-assessment, Evaluation Capacity Building, and Accountability (2nd edition).  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [This is the most recent empowerment evaluation book. It is an updated and consolidated presentation about the approach]

Fetterman, D.M. (2013).  Empowerment Evaluation in the Digital Villages:  Hewlett-Packard's $15 Million Race Toward Social Justice.  Stanford:  Stanford University Press.

Fetterman, D.M. and Wandersman, A. (2005).  Empowerment Evaluation Principles in Practice.  New York:  Guilford Publications.

Fetterman, D.M. (2001). Foundations of Empowerment Evaluation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


AEA Sessions

Building a Computer Science & STEM Evaluation Learning Community describes the work of the CSONIC, Evaluation Wrecking Crew, and AEA STEM TIG in building a STEM evaluation community, resource repository and community hub.

An Evolving Repository of STEM Evaluation Resources describes the repository work accomplished by Kim Kelly, Erin Burr, and Ann Martin of ORAU and others.


For additional information including videos, see David Fetterman’s web page