Dr. Fetterman provides evaluation webinars on evaluation, research methods, teaching,and technology.  He provides them for the SAGE Publications, the US Department of Health and Human Services, American Evaluation Association, Claremont Graduate University, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and private industry.

A sample of webinars have been provided below.


SAGE Publications hosts webinars conducted by theirbest selling authors. This webinar addresses the guiding principles and steps of empowerment evaluation.  It highlights the role of the evaluator as a coach or facilitator. Dr. Fetterman demonstrates how to use an empowerment evaluation dashboard to monitor progress, provide opportunities to make mid-course corrections, foster learning, and enhance accountability.

Additionally, the webinar discusses how empowerment evaluation produces real world measurable outcomes.

Sage Series of Best Selling Authors:  Empowerment Evaluation Webinar



A few webinars for the US DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES have been provided below.


Empowerment Evaluation


Technological Tools in Evaluation

Qualitative Evaluation



Additional webinars of various lengths are also available from the American Evaluation Association.  They may range from 20 minutes to 3 hours in length.

They include pre-session assignments, formal presentations, and post-session follow-up activities.

A few examples are provided below.

American Evaluation Association

Empowerment Evaluation Webinar (part 1)

(password:  empowerment1)

Empowerment Evaluation Webinar (part 2)

(passwrod:  empowerment2)