The first edition of this book identified and discussed major landmarks every ethnographer and potential ethnographer encounters. After its 13th printing it was time to revise and update this work.
The second edition takes a step further into a new frontier -- the Internet. The Internet is one of the most powerful resources available to ethnographers. This edition provides insights into the uses of the Internet, including conducting searches about topics or sites, collecting census data, conducting interviews by "chatting" and videoconferencing, sharing notes and pictures about research sites, debating issues with colleagues on listservs and in on-line journals, and downloading useful data collection and analysis software. These tools are rapidly becoming indispensable to ethnographers today.
Here are a few examples of the resources discussed in this edition:
NUDIST Software
CU-SeeMe Videoconferencing Software
MapsOnUs Web Site
In addition to providing basic steps in the process of doing ethnography, this edition highlights links to the net like the ones listed on the following web page. Click here please to link to an updated page about ethnography and ethnographic tools on the web.
I hope this book will be a useful guide for the initiate, a valuable tool for the teacher, and an enjoyable refresher for the experienced ethnographer.
The current edition is available by contacting Sage Publications at:
805-499-9774 or 805-499-0871 fax
P.O. Box 5084, Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-9924
SAGE Publications