We have compiled a brief list of self-help guides to help novices learn about evaluation and seasoned evaluators refine their skills and extend their knowledge base. One of the most comprehensive lists and guides to evaluation is the Programmatic On-Line Evaluation Resources site.  It is designed to help evaluators design, conduct, document, and review project evaluations.  Innovation Network is another excellent site designed to assist in evaluation training, including advocacy evaluation.

Please consider the Free Resources for Program Evaluation and Social Research Methods as well.  They have an overview guide to evaluation  "What is program evaluation: A beginners guide" listed on the home page and a comprehensive list of free statistical software, along with some reviews of the packages

Claremont Graduate University's School of Behavioral and Organizational Sciences provides the most comprehensive evaluation video library available.  It provides a wealth of information beginning with a preview and highlights (5 minutes) to discussions about evidence-based practice (26 minutes).


Click on Picture of Books

to Access Video Library

The American Evaluation Association has compiled a valuable collection of free self-help evaluation materials.  A list, based in part on their efforts to assemble a useful collection, is presented below.  It is divided into 15 categories to facilitate access to relevant material and enhance learning.


Appreciative Inquiry
Basics of Evaluation
Collaborative & Participatory Evaluation
Empowerment Evaluation

An Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry

Basic Guide to Program Evaluation (1997)

Evaluation Handbook

Framework for Program Evaluation

Program Managers Guide to Evaluation

Understanding Evaluation

Evaluating Collaboratives

Taking Stock

Evaluating the Impact of Development Projects

Improving Evaluation Practice

Practical Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation

Empowerment Evaluation

Empowerment Evaluation Slides

Getting to Outcomes (GTO)

Getting to Outcomes with Developmental Assets

Getting to Outcomes & Preventing Underaged Drinking

Measuring Impact Including Empowerment




Real World Evaluation

Research Methods Knowledge Base

User-friendly Handbook for Project Evaluation (2004)

An Evaluation Primer

Guide to Planning and Evaluating Health Information Outreach

Programmatic On-Line Evaluation Resources

Action Research Resources (1998)

Focus Groups

Qualitative Evaluation Checklist

Qualitative Methods Workbook





& Surveying

Statistics & Quantitative
Value of Evaluation

Sampling and Surveying Methods

Sampling and Surveying Handbook


Descriptive Statistics

Electronic Statistics Textbook (2001)


HyperStat Statistics Textbook


Simple Statistics

(How to Calculate Simple Statistics)

Statistic Software (free)

Quasi-Experimental Design

Evaluating Benefits of Educational Uses of Technology

Evaluating Technology Use in the Classroom

Evaluation Cookbook (1998)

Community Toolbox

Evaluation Toolkit


Evaluation Toolkit

(service learning)